uk ımmıgratıon servıces
Sponsorship Licence / Skilled Worker
What's Sponsorship Licence?
A sponsorship Licence is a type of permission required for a company in the UK to bring qualified personnel from abroad. It allows the licence holders to send a ‘Certificate of Sponsorship’ to skilled workers.
Global Talent / Global Promise
What are Global Talent and Global Promise Visas?
You can apply for a Global Talent visa if you’re a leader in your field and a Global Promise visa if you are a potential leader.
Graduate Visa
What’s Graduate Visa?
A Graduate visa permits you to stay in the UK for at least 2 years after completing a course in the UK. A Graduate visa lasts for 2 years for a bachelor's degree or master's degree and 3 years for a PhD or other doctoral qualification.
Family Visas
To apply as a partner;
You and your partner both need to be 18 or over You must intend to live together permanently in the UK
Global Business Mobility (GMB) visas came into effect on April 11, 2022, and offers alternative routes for companies that want to expand and open a branch in the UK. To set up a branch/representation in the UK, you will need to appoint and UK Expansion Worker(s) by obtaining the relevant sponsor license.